Improve the effectiveness and the results
of salespeople and operators

Less time spent editing contacts means more time for sales.

1. Split contacts

Easily split contacts between salespeople or allocate them to an external call centre.

2. Monitor campaigns

You see the state of a campaign at all times: how many contacts have been called, from which sources and with what results.

3. Measure results

Evaluate campaigns by results, salespeople or, for example, regions. Make use of contacts in other campaigns.

Effective campaign implementation

No more forwarding and filling out Excel spreadsheets with contacts. Forget about uncertainty regarding whether a salesperson is available or whether an assistant has actually arranged a meeting with a customer. This is the end of sorting and moving contacts, where a single missed row can invalidate a whole database. 

No more missed opportunities

Every event gets a contact label (such as servicing, closed, e-mail and so on), which you define yourself. You can filter by label so that everybody has an overview of a specific contact’s phase. You can even sort by source, e.g. from external suppliers, yet include them in the overall reporting.

Efficiency reflected in results

The minutes saved by individuals when searching for and entering information convert into hours saved by a team throughout a campaign. These are hours of additional sales calls, whether on the telephone or in person – results you are missing today.

Everything in one place

We will link FreshFlow and your CRM. You, your salespeople and operators (internal and external) will have access to customer information and reports in a single place, while everybody has their own rights and access to data. We regularly back up data and encrypt them so you can rest assured they are well taken care of.

FreshFlow adapts to you

We understand that your sales methods and the steps involved are specific to you. This is why we adapt our system to ensure it is tailored to you. We don’t want you to have to adapt to it. In addition, we will train both you and your team so that you see the results of more productive work as quickly as possible.

Training newcomers

Accelerate a new salesperson’s path to their first concluded deals. The acquisition of basic work habits and activities will increase the probability that they will be retained and your investment in their acquisition will bear fruit.

Team and branch managements

From operators through salespeople to service staff. From virtual teams to brick-and-mortar branches and offices. You have an overview of where everybody is and what they have already done at all times.

FreshFlow improves the productivity of sales teams by linking diaries and contact databases.

It simplifies the entry of the results of customer conversations and information sharing.
It minimises demands on the time of your salespeople, meaning they have more time for selling.

Would you like to find out how FreshFlow can improve your team’s productivity?